Gweminar yr Haf IGGC 2023 / RHCW Summer Webinar 2023


The next RHCW Webinar is being held on Tuesday 18th July 2023 from 10am to 12 noon, with the following presentations:

BT Health and Social Care Innovation Showcase – Shane Allum, Showcase, Downstreaming & Innovation Specialist, BT – a virtual presentation from BT’s Research and Innovation labs, showcasing some of the latest digital innovations in health and social care. This presentation will demonstrate a number of innovative technologies that can be used in hospitals, healthcare centres and by individuals to improve their wellbeing and / or be able to monitor and manage their own health. The showcase will also include a 5G Connected Ambulance demonstration, which brings to life how 5G can be used in medical situations to enable remote experts to diagnose treatment for a patient much sooner than was previously possible.

Developing a Glossary of Terms for Social Prescribing (SP) – Dr Simon Newstead, Senior Research Assistant, University of South Wales Social prescribing (SP) uses a person-centred approach to support and empower an individual through engagement in community-based activities. It is an area that has shown rapid growth, with an associated proliferation of diverse and confusing terminology that creates barriers to engagement and communication. This presentation will provide an overview of research conducted by the Wales School for Social Prescribing Research and Public Health Wales, which has culminated in a glossary of terms that seeks to clarify and standardise the language associated with SP.

   Welcome and Introductions
10.15am    BT Health and Social Care Innovation Showcase
10.45am    Q&A / Mentimeter / Comfort Break
11.00am    Developing a Glossary of Terms for Social Prescribing (SP)
11.30am    Q&A / Mentimeter

11.45am    Closing remarks  / AOB

The Webinar is free of charge to attend but you will need to register for your place by pressing the “Add to Basket” button below:

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RHCW Webinar Poster 2023

Cynhelir Gweminar nesaf IGGC ar ddydd Mawrth 18fed o Orffenaf 2023 rhwng 10am a 12 hanner dydd, gyda’r cyflwyniadau canlynol:

Arddangosfa Arloesedd Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol BT – Shane Allum, Arddangosfa, Arbenigwr Ymchwil ac Arloesedd is-ffrydio, BT – cyflwyniad rhithwir gan labordai Ymchwil ac Arloesi BT, yn arddangos rhai o’r datblygiadau digidol diweddaraf ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Bydd y cyflwyniad hwn yn dangos nifer o dechnolegau arloesol y gellir eu defnyddio mewn ysbytai, canolfannau gofal iechyd a chan unigolion i wella eu lles a / neu allu monitro a rheoli eu hiechyd eu hunain. Bydd yr arddangosfa hefyd yn cynnwys demo Ambiwlans Cysylltiedig 5G, sy’n dod a sut y gellir defnyddio 5G mewn sefyllfaoedd meddygol yn fyw i alluogi arbenigwyr o bell i wneud diagnosis o driniaeth ar gyfer claf yn llawer cynt nag oedd yn bosib o’r blaen.

Datblygu Rhestr Termau ar gyfer Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol (PC) –Dr Simon Newstead, Uwch Gynorthwyydd Ymchwil, Prifysgol De Cymru – mae PC yn defnyddio dull sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn i gefnogi a grymuso uniogolion drwy gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau cymunedol. Mae’n faes sydd wedi dangos twf cyflym, gyda thoreth gysylltiedig a derminoleg amrywiol a dryslyd sy’n creu rhwystrau i ymgysylltu a chefathrebu. Bydd y cyflwyniad hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o ymchwil a gynhaliwyd gan Ysgol Ymchwil Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol Cymru ac Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, sydd wedi arwain at restr termau sy’n ceisio egluro a safoni’r iaith sy’n gysylltiedig a PC.

   Croesa a Chyflwyniadau
10.15yb    Arddangosfa Arloessedd Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol BT
10.45yb    C&A / Mentimeter / Egwyl
11.00yb    Datblygu Rhestre Termau ar gyfer Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol (PC)
11.30yb    C&A / Mentimeter
11.45yb    Sylwadau i gloi  / UFA

Mae’r Weminar yn rhad ac am ddim i’w fynychu ond bydd angen i chi gofrestru eich lle trwy clicio ar y botwm “Add to Basket” isod:

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Poster Weminar IGGC 2023